Don’t blink or you might miss them - thank you to the TN Talent who had bookings this week!
MTN - Amber Aguero, Alejandro Baltazar, Wendi Bazar, Angie Campbell, Jimmy Chung, Claudia DiBiccari, Danielle Doetsch, Carter Dorsey, Benjamin Duvenek, Marcus Funches, Kevin Ging, Maynard Hebert, Cynthia Henderson, James Houton, Elaine Landrum, Chandra Michaels, Sarah Nelson, Bill Oben, Deb Onsager, Deborah Ottinger, Jennifer Peterson-Vehrs, Simon Provan, Tammy Reese, Kathy Reid, Taroniah Rice, Kandice Robbins, Bob Smith, Kathrina Smith, Jess Thigpen, Nicole Walker, Ken Williams, Ted Williams, Jay Winters
CTN - Juanita Andersen, Jamie Black, Leah Brenner, Elijah Cooper, Marcus Farne, Van Ferro, Holly Ignatowski, Lee Kanne, Ari Khatib, David Kravitz, Kenny Metroff, Amanda Sharon, Beatrice Williams, Ashley Yates