Enjoy a few behind-the-scenes shots from a recent industrial shoot! Thank you to Bev Coscarelli, Ashley Jones, Edward Kaihatsu, Mark Kelly, Chandra Michaels, Julie Ramos, MJ Starshak, and Iva Washington! #behindthescenes #onset#greenscreen #industrial #corporatevideoshoot#oncamera #nonunion #talent #agency#chicago #milwaukee #midwest#thetalentnetworks
Enjoy a few behind-the-scenes shots from a recent industrial shoot! Thank you to Bev Coscarelli, Ashley Jones, Edward Kaihatsu, Mark Kelly, Chandra Michaels, Julie Ramos, MJ Starshak, and Iva Washington! #behindthescenes #onset#greenscreen #industrial #corporatevideoshoot#oncamera #nonunion #talent #agency#chicago #milwaukee #midwest#thetalentnetworks