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TN News
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Talent Bookings
Congratulations to the TN Talent who had bookings this week! TGIF! MTN - Carlo Aparo, Heidi Drennan, Michael Martin, Tammy Reese CTN -...
MTN On Set
Check out these on set pics from a recent booking featuring MTN Talents Carlo Aparo and Mathias Blake! #onset #bts...
Talent Bookings
Thank you to the TN Talent who did such great work this week! Happy weekend! CTN - Jamie Black, Kylee Brooks, Angelicque Cate, Lee...
BTS: Milwaukee Talent Network
Check out a few of our MTN Talent behind the scenes at a recent shoot! #behindthescenes #onset #milwaukeetalentnetwork #thetalentnetworks
Talent Bookings
Thank you to the CTN Talent who had bookings this week! And happy weekend, everyone! Holly Ignatowski, Kuchambi Myhand, Shaina Schrooten...
MTN open for submissions!
MTN is very excited about our talent (check out our website) and we’re looking to add more! New talent submissions are now open -...
Introducing Milwaukee Talent Network!
Introducing Milwaukee Talent Network! MTN joins CTN as part of The Talent Networks company. We’re so excited to join the Milwaukee...
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